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Nordin Consulting


Changing the Way the
Work Agencies Do Business

We join forces to boost sales. 

Together, we take care of our interests.


Why is it worth joining NORDIN?

Thank you for considering collaboration with NORDIN.

Before proceeding with your cooperation, please carefully review the following terms and conditions and all the benefits of NORDIN collaboration.

Don't forget that in addition to sales support, access to a vast client base, support in recruitment and collaborative efforts for the staffing agency industry, you gain all the benefits mentioned below.
Discover the responsibilities and benefits of cooperation in our staffing agency partnership.

 All partnership agencies must adhere to the principles of the Scandinavian model, emphasizing quality, fairness, and efficiency in all aspects of their operations.

Adherence to the Scandinavian Model


All partnership agencies must register their workers with all relevant authorities and institutions in accordance with local laws and regulations. This includes but is not limited to registration with labor authorities, tax authorities, and social security institutions.

Workers Registration


 All partnership agencies are required to fulfill all tax obligations and social security contributions in the country where the work is conducted. This ensures compliance with local regulations and contributes to the sustainability of the workforce.

Tax and Contribution Complimance


Every partnership agencies must adhere to labor rights, pay lawful wages, including all wage supplements. Each of them must prioritize compliance with workplace safety regulations and ensure the safety of their employees.

Labor Rights


Our Vision

Together_We can_

We believe that together we can sell and acquire more.We believe that together we can achieve much more, negotiate much better, and defend our interests collectively.

Trust our salespeople, our contacts, and our capabilities. Let's act together and reap the benefits of our industry, which we know so well.
Together We Can

Every partnership agencies commits to full cooperation with trade unions in the event of such a situation. NORDIN may support its partners, or partners may support each other in such situations by exchanging experiences or engaging in collective negotiations.



All partnership agencies may allocate specific amounts for social media campaigns at their discretion. Half of this amount will be used for campaign costs, and the other half will be allocated to sales support provided by the NORDIN sales team. All leads acquired through such campaigns become the exclusive property of the partnership agency.

LEAD's Property


Upon joining NORDIN, NORDIN will be responsible for sales and client acquisition on behalf of the partnership agency. Sales will be conducted through various channels, including but not limited to, paid social media campaigns of NORDIN funded by the joining agency.

Sales and Client Acquisition


The partnership agency, through leads acquired in this manner, can get access to a CRM program provided by NORDIN. Additionally, NORDIN will send weekly reports on the acquisition of new leads to the partnership agencies.

Access to CRM



Contact and sales with acquired leads will be handled by the NORDIN sales department, which will maintain contact with potential clients for as long as necessary to facilitate the sale.

Sales Contact


In the event of acquiring a client for an partnership agency, NORDIN will be entitled to a commission based on terms individually determined with each partnership agency.

NORDIN's Provision


Upon expression of interest in the services of a partnership agency, NORDIN will present a cooperation agreement to the potential client. This agreement will be binding for all NORDIN partnership agencies, ensuring cooperation and equality of services.

Contract Presentation


As part of partnership agency, You will receive new promotional materials once a month from NORDIN, including a promotional video.

Promotional Materials



There is no membership fee.

No Membership Fee


 In case of difficulties in recruiting workers for a project, NORDIN or partnership agencies can mutually support each other in the recruitment processes, thereby ensuring the fulfillment of the conditions of the project acquired by NORDIN.

Recruitment Support


As part of NORDIN partnership agencies, photos from projects completed by the partnership agency will be added to the NORDIN website.

Project Photos


NORDIN will organize regular meetings, seminars, or training sessions for its partnership agencies to share knowledge, best practices, and current trends in the temporary staffing and recruitment industry.

Knowledge Exchange and Training



NORDIN can engage in industry initiatives such as campaigns to improve working conditions for temporary workers or promote sustainable recruitment practices to raise standards in the industry and build a positive image for partnership agencies.

Joint Industry Initiatives


NORDIN and its partnership agencies can implement mechanisms for collecting feedback from partnership agencies and stakeholders, helping to identify areas for improvement and tailor services to better meet the needs.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback Mechanism


 NORDIN and its partnership agencies can offer mentoring programs or tailored support to assist smaller or emerging agencies in navigating the industry and developing their businesses.

Support for Small and Emarging Agencies


 NORDIN and its partnership agencies can establish partnerships with educational institutions or vocational training centers to ensure a steady supply of skilled labor, meet the needs of partnership agencies, and the industry as a whole.

Collaboration with Educational Institutions



NORDIN and its partnership agencies can advocate for the interests of their members at the regional or national level, working with policymakers and stakeholders to shape legislation and policies that affect the temporary staffing and recruitment industry.

Advocacy and Representation


NORDIN partnership agencies may have access to tools, document templates, and resources to help agencies run their operations more efficiently.

Access to Tools and Resources


 NORDIN and its partnership agencies can facilitate networking opportunities and partnerships with similar companies, associations or organizations in other countries, providing members with access to new markets, resources, and opportunities for collaboration on a global scale.

International Networking and Partnerships


 NORDIN and its partnership agencies may organize regular training sessions and workshops for members on new trends, technologies, and best practices in the industry, helping to enhance the skills and competencies of agency staff.

Training and Professional Development



NORDIN partnership agencies may receive marketing support, assisting agencies in promoting their services, building their brands, and acquiring new clients.

Marketing Support


NORDIN partnership agencies may receive assistance in resolving difficulties and issues agencies may encounter, such as drafting contracts, resolving disputes, or managing risks.

Problem-solving Assistance


NORDIN and its partnership agencies may collaborate with industry experts and advisors, providing members with valuable insights and advice on running recruitment businesses.

Access to Expert Knowledge


NORDIN and its partnership agencies may organize or promote partnership participation in conferences, job fairs, and other industry events, facilitating relationship building, knowledge acquisition, and client acquisition for agencies.

Participation in Industry Events



NORDIN guarantees that information about acquired LEADS or Clients is strictly confidential and pertains solely to each individual staffing agency.

Confidential Sales


The partnership agencies have the right to seek compensation from the other agency. NORDIN undertakes to fully cooperate in this matter with the affected agency, in the event of a breach of point 30 by either agency.



In the event that any staffing agency competes on an acquired project by acquiring a Client in a manner knowingly excluding another staffing agency and/or contradicting the principles of partnership, it will be immediately excluded from the partnership agencies.

Excluded from the Association


 NORDIN and its partnership agencies may jointly negotiate prices for materials, tools, and services, reducing costs for all agencies.

Price Negotiations



NORDIN partnership agencies can collaborate to promote their services and products on shared marketing platforms or establish partnerships with other companies to increase their reach and visibility in the market.

Joint Promotion and Partnerships


NORDIN and its partnership agencies can conduct market research and trend analysis, providing members with valuable insights into industry changes and business opportunities.

Market Research and Analysis


NORDIN may partner with financial institutions or investors to provide its partnership agencies with access to financing or investment needed for the development of their businesses.

Access to Financing and Investments


NORDIN and its partnership agencies can establish contacts and cooperate with other international entities, opening doors to new markets and business opportunities worldwide.

International Cooperation


Principles and Benefits of Partnership

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